Copy protections.........1
(too old to reply)
Damned-Virus-Data Miner providers
2011-12-05 02:47:18 UTC
\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ul\f0\fs28
Notes regarding Copy Protection\par
Prolok, Superlok etc\par
\ulnone What we can see from here is that when we use Hex Editor, we
can see lots \par
of bad sectors at the allocation tables. We can see from these hex
codes that\par
there are a lot of misleading CRCs code been miscalculated. While going
through the full codes and could find some portion of the code looks
as XX XX 7F. By putting in E3 and recalculate the CRCs, we can
actually \par
see what appears on the screen while running the protect4ed programs
that \par
Please use originals is gone and the blinking cursor hangs on the left
of the \par
screen. By Ajusting some other codes as announced will cause the
ro run as if normal.\par
\ul Spor Copy protection\par
\ulnone The way how this thing work is pretty simple and what we can
see is that\par
when you put in the DVD video disc in the computer CDDVD Rom Drive,
Two directory is also installed in the windows directory called SVIQ
and the other is DC (Disney control). This DVD video disc will cause
the file\par
in this two directroy to be runned and two control files will be
installed in \par
windows prefetch directory as DCXX and the other is the DC.exe file
will be runned in windows Task to make sure these disc cannot be
\ul Macrovision and Cannes festival films copy protection\par
\ulnone These DVD video disc have hidden 3 files which could cause the
disc not to\par
be copied where these hidden three files have to found to let the disc
like thiss\par
so that decryption software cannot copy. The disc also contains normal
Macrovision locks to such that the said company could ask the company
supply the video locks to fully lock it so that the decrption software
will find \par
it hard to move with lots of errors found when try to copy. This is
usually done\par
by setting level one to five based on how heavy protect the company
wants the\par
disc to be. The highest copy protection based on basic Macrovision
lock is\par
level 5.\par
\ul Safedisc copy protection for music\par
\ulnone These music CD disc have one hidden file which could cause the
disc not to \par
be copied where this hidden file also cause the disc to like thiss so
that ripper\par
software cannot copy such music CD. The disc at the same time will
Microsoft windows to run file in its task of job list so that the
music ripping \par
software has no chance to make any copy like MP3, wav files etc.\par
That is basically about copy protection as announced...........\par
Written and Compiled by\par
VDMG (Department of Ranji Software Hackers)\par
2011-12-05 07:18:23 UTC
Apa ini?
Post by Damned-Virus-Data Miner providers
\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ul\f0\fs28
Notes regarding Copy Protection\par
Prolok, Superlok etc\par
\ulnone What we can see from here is that when we use Hex Editor, we
can see lots \par
of bad sectors at the allocation tables. We can see from these hex
codes that\par
there are a lot of misleading CRCs code been miscalculated. While going
through the full codes and could find some portion of the code looks
as XX XX 7F. By putting in E3 and recalculate the CRCs, we can
actually \par
see what appears on the screen while running the protect4ed programs
that \par
Please use originals is gone and the blinking cursor hangs on the left
of the \par
screen. By Ajusting some other codes as announced will cause the
ro run as if normal.\par
\ul Spor Copy protection\par
\ulnone The way how this thing work is pretty simple and what we can
see is that\par
when you put in the DVD video disc in the computer CDDVD Rom Drive,
Two directory is also installed in the windows directory called SVIQ
and the other is DC (Disney control). This DVD video disc will cause
the file\par
in this two directroy to be runned and two control files will be
installed in \par
windows prefetch directory as DCXX and the other is the DC.exe file
will be runned in windows Task to make sure these disc cannot be
\ul Macrovision and Cannes festival films copy protection\par
\ulnone These DVD video disc have hidden 3 files which could cause the
disc not to\par
be copied where these hidden three files have to found to let the disc
like thiss\par
so that decryption software cannot copy. The disc also contains normal
Macrovision locks to such that the said company could ask the company
supply the video locks to fully lock it so that the decrption software
will find \par
it hard to move with lots of errors found when try to copy. This is
usually done\par
by setting level one to five based on how heavy protect the company
wants the\par
disc to be. The highest copy protection based on basic Macrovision
lock is\par
level 5.\par
\ul Safedisc copy protection for music\par
\ulnone These music CD disc have one hidden file which could cause the
disc not to \par
be copied where this hidden file also cause the disc to like thiss so
that ripper\par
software cannot copy such music CD. The disc at the same time will
Microsoft windows to run file in its task of job list so that the
music ripping \par
software has no chance to make any copy like MP3, wav files etc.\par
That is basically about copy protection as announced...........\par
Written and Compiled by\par
VDMG (Department of Ranji Software Hackers)\par